Hi everyone. I am an Ornate Frog or Horned Frog aka Mr Pac Man because of my propensity to gobble up anything that moves, including your finger when trying to feed me. I am not a native species here. I camePac Man from South America. I am an albino, thus, my eyes are red. Normally, I am green in colour. I was bred here in Malaysia, and along with my colleagues, were on our way to oversea, when we were confiscated by the PERHILITAN at KLIA. Now, I await my doom because I am not allowed to go free. They believe that I have the tendency to wipe out all the native species here, which is true actually (getting sheepish now). I dont want to cause any trouble in Malaysia and I hope that if anyone of u saw me or my kind, please inform the authority (PERHILITAN) as soon as possible. I cannot help the way I am but it's not my fault too. I love to eat!!! If u have kids that keep us as pets, and maybe one day decide not to keep us anymore, please do not throw us out there in the big world. At least send us somewhere safe, again to PERHILITAN, so that they would help us find new families. I suppose I may end up immortalised as an education specimen to help your countrymen/women about the importance of preserving native species. Or I may grow big and healthy in an aquarium under watchful eyes. Thank you for your kind attention. Who knows we might see each other again.....
katak lah! nice collections here..i admire all ur pics doc..keep it up. :D
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Theater, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://home-theater-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
do u mind if i add ur blog to my lists? very interesting info on wildlife and conservation which is one of my favourite all the times.
Very nice photos and interesting subjects. Keep up the good work.
Hi Dr Yati, love most of your work & artwork about nature. i learn something from this blog.keep blogging~
Aiyor what a cute species. But such devastating appetite.
So this is the sifu's blog! I'll feed it direct to my outlook.
Appreciate all comments and glad indeed to be of help in some ways..keep on blogging folks!
Dear Dr Yati
I've read and heard numerous great comments about your blog and website. My wish is that you become a lttle more active in blogging. There are many naturalists out there hungry for biod information and many congratulations on your amphibian.my and soon I've liked to see mangrove.my. Good luck
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